Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Big Announcement

By now, if you’re visiting this blog, you know that Matt and I are expecting.

It’s been fun to be able to share the news of our pregnancy with family and friends after waiting for the first trimester to end and the second to begin. It’s also been a relief. As my friends can attest, I love a good spoiler. Having to keep quiet this whole time was an extreme exercise in patience for me. There have been so many times when I’ve wanted to tell someone (anyone!) that we were expecting, just to have the news out there.

My girlfriends, The Mother Crew (a group of amazing girlfriends you’ll be introduced to in subsequent blogs) embraced me wholeheartedly into “the club.” They immediately offered up advice on everything from maternity clothes and morning sickness relief to the best and worse moments of their own pregnancies and what I can expect from labor and beyond. Up to this point, I’ve been a silent participant in their mom conversations when we have been out for girl’s nights. Now, I’m a full-fledged inductee into the club!

We decided to set up this blog as a way to keep our family and friends up-to-date on what’s going on with us, and the baby, over the next six months. Plus, it makes for a nice retrospective for our child. Someday I hope Baby La Bella Cummings will look back upon these blog entries and read what their parents were thinking during this time in his/her early life.

My aim is to blog once a week, though I imagine there will be gaps when I am either too busy to write, or won’t have anything significant to say. Either way, I look forward to keeping everyone informed as we continue this journey toward parenthood.
