Sunday, December 25, 2011

Four and Five Months

Dear Lucas, It's Christmas morning as I write this and you're already down for a nap. Santa was very generous to you and you spent the better part of your morning playing with your new toys. I'm a little behind in your month-to-month letters. So here's a little update on your fourth and fifth months. The last two months were busy ones for you. You learned to roll over, you're eating solids foods (rice cereal with pureed apples, bananas, pears and prunes), and chewing on everything. More and more you are finding your voice. You've learned to say "da-da-da" and "ma-ma-ma," though we are sure you don't equate them to us just yet. You're almost sitting up on your own and your favorite toy is your exersaucer. We can hardly believe that just around the corner you'll be six months old. It seems as though this time has gone by so fast. We were hoping you'd have a white Christmas, but no such luck. It's nearly 40 degrees today with clear skies and not a flake of snow anywhere. Regardless, your first Christmas morning was a smashing success, even though you didn't get to wear your new holiday jammies because you spit up on them last night before we even got them all the way on you. Love, Mommy

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays Love, Matt, Laura & Lucas